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April 2
See how Fastly's Bot Management targets malicious bots to protect your apps and website for a better user experience. Learn more about our bot management capabilities.
April 1
An effective edge security strategy can provide significant benefits and protect organizations from the continually evolving threat landscape.
March 14
This post details the journey of improving the security of TLS private keys and improving the performance and efficiency of TLS handshakes along the way.
March 7
The PCI Security Standards Council announced Version 4.0, the latest iteration forces nearly every organization to update policies, procedures, and more.
February 27
The White House and Office of the National Cyber Director called for the adoption of memory safe languages, and we see a way for existing code be more memory safe as well.
February 23
In this post, we will discuss a low latency approach to detect these attacks by co-locating the password hashes in a KV Store, along with Compute on Fastly’s edge.
February 7
Being able to test and validate rule behavior is critical to a maintainable WAF. With our WAF Simulator, you can validate rules in a safe simulation environment.
January 30
Learn threshold blocking best practices and how it increases your WAF confidence so you can get into blocking mode faster.
January 18
Replacing OpenSSL with BoringSSL was to reduce the frequency of CVE response and improve the security of our TLS termination system for our customers.
December 14, 2023
To gain a broader understanding of the threat landscape during "Cyber 5" weekend, we analyzed attack activities with a particular focus on commerce sites.
December 14, 2023
Flexibility is required for confident blocking decisions that impact as little legitimate traffic as possible. Learn more about the evolution of blocking.
December 13, 2023
We're excited to announce Fastly's new WAF Simulator, which simplifies the testing process and provides the following key benefits.

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